Effective: February 26, 2025

AI-powered features in Kahoot!

Kahoot! utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) in its mission to make learning awesome, and this document describes how we safely use AI to support our educators and learners.

AI-supported features and their availability
Key principles for usage of AI in Kahoot!
Important considerations for users
Data processing and technical information
Additional information

AI-supported features and their availability

  • AI-assisted creator to reduce the time it takes to make kahoots

To reduce the time spent on creating kahoots, Kahoot! uses a large language model to propose questions based on input from the user.

This feature is available to users on a selection of product plans.

More information describing how this feature works can be found here: https://support.kahoot.com/hc/en-us/articles/17152945038355

  • Scan your notes to generate kahoots based on your written notes

This feature allows users to quickly convert written notes into suggested kahoots.

This feature is currently available in the Kahoot! mobile app.

  • AI-assisted translator to translate available kahoots into another language

To make learning more inclusive and support more learners around the world, a user can choose to have a kahoot machine-translated to another language.

This feature is available to users in the Kahoot! mobile app on iOS 18 or newer (Apple iPhone and iPad).

  • Story text enhancer to simplify the work of making Story content

To support the use of Story, Kahoot! offers the user the opportunity to use AI to change tone of voice, length and/or language of Story text within the editor.

This feature is available to users on a selection of paid product plans for businesses.

  • Search to make it easier to find relevant content

Kahoot! uses a large language model to make search results of public content on the platform as relevant as possible. Only kahoots designated as public by a user are processed by this feature.

This feature is available to all users on the platform.

  • Brainstorming clustering of responses to make it easier to host brainstorming sessions

Kahoot! uses a large language model to cluster or group similar responses within its brainstorming-features.

This feature is available to users on a selection of paid product plans for teachers, educational institutions and businesses.

  • PDF to Story/kahoot to reduce the time spent on making a Kahoot! Story or kahoot

Kahoot! makes it easier for creators of Kahoot! Story and kahoots by generating questions, answers and content based on the content of a PDF provided by the user.

This feature is available to users on a selection of product plans for Teachers, Educational institutions and Businesses.

  • Read Aloud to perform text-to-speech on kahoots to improve accessibility

Kahoot! performs text-to-speech conversion so users can have kahoot questions and answers read aloud in synthesized speech.

This feature is available in the Kahoot! mobile app for all users.


Key principles for usage of AI in Kahoot!

Kahoot! use public AI-models from third party vendors and does not build its own large language models (LLMs). No data from the Kahoot! platform is used to train or refine any models.

Kahoots!’s main partner and LLM provider for its AI features is Microsoft Azure based in Europe. Kahoot! has integrated with Microsoft through our backend to avoid unknown information from the browser or client being sent to Microsoft.

Data inserted into AI features in Kahoot! is sent to Microsoft for processing and to generate AI output. The information Kahoot! sends to the APIs of Microsoft is what we call the prompt. Kahoot! does not knowingly provide any user information, personal data or previous prompts to Microsoft in providing its AI features and advises users against providing the same in prompts or upload files.

The processing of the information sent by Kahoot! to Microsoft is performed according to Microsoft’s standard terms and conditions, which may be found here.

Microsoft describes how it processes, used and stores the data it receives here:

In order to ensure high quality content on our platform, Kahoot! has elected not to opt out of Azure OpenAI Abuse Monitoring. More info on how Microsoft performs abuse monitoring can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/ai-services/openai/concepts/abuse-monitoring

Without warranting the content of the information, Kahoot! assumes that this information is correct and accurate also regarding customer data transferred by Kahoot! to Microsoft for processing:

Your prompts (inputs) and completions (outputs), your embeddings, and your training data:

  • are NOT available to other customers.
  • are NOT available to OpenAI.
  • are NOT used to improve OpenAI models.
  • are NOT used to improve Microsoft or 3rd party product services.
  • are NOT used for automatically improving Azure OpenAI models for your use in your resource (The models are stateless, unless you explicitly fine-tune models with your training data).
  • Your fine-tuned Azure OpenAI models are available exclusively for your use.

The Azure OpenAI Service is fully controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft hosts the OpenAI models in Microsoft’s Azure environment and the Service does NOT interact with any other services operated by OpenAI (e.g., ChatGPT or the OpenAI API).


Beta features can change or evolve at any time. You may experience bugs or performance issues while using such features. Kahoot! reserves the right to cap or disable beta feature usage at any time, including due to high demand.

A few features, as noted below, use models from partners other than Microsoft. The principles set forth above in Important Limitations apply equally to our integrations with these other LLM providers.


Important considerations for users

While AI text-generation services can save you a lot of time, they sometimes provide inaccurate or untrue responses. Please carefully review any AI-generated content for accuracy before using it.

Please note that you as the author of a kahoot utilizing AI-Question generator or PDF to Story/kahoot remain responsible for the accuracy and suitability of the content contained therein, as well as its compliance with Kahoot!’s terms and policies located in our Trust Center, including our Editorial Guidelines and Acceptable Use Policy.

You should not:

  • include any personal data in your use of the AI features, such as within the search field, AI-assisted generator prompt or in PDFs you upload
  • include or upload any offensive or infringing material, confidential information or other content violating our Acceptable Use Policy.


Data processing and technical information

Key technical information related to the features:

AI-assisted creator
The models currently used for AI assisted creator are “GPT 4o”, “GPT 4o mini”, “GPT 4.0 turbo”, “GPT 3.5 turbo” and Perplexity.ai. The prompt for this feature permits a user to enter up to 60 characters of text to better ensure a proposed set of relevant question and answer alternatives. Users may also provide a URL to a web page, a link to a Youtube video or a PDF from which to generate AI-assisted kahoots.

The information processed by Microsoft includes the text entered at the user prompt (topic-based), the text contained on the web page of the given URL, the text contained in the user’s PDF and the transcript of the linked YouTube-video (if available).

Perplexity.ai is only available as part of paid plans for teachers, educational institutions and businesses, and does not process data of young student users. Perplexity processes the user’s input prompt in order to enrich and improve it for Microsoft Azure OpenAI to generate the output.

AI-assisted translator
The model used for AI-assisted translator is the built-in model included in the iOS device’s operating system of your Apple device (Vision framework). The model will process text of a selected kahoot to translate into the language selected by the user. It is possible to choose between online and offline translations in the Apple Translate app settings.

Story text enhancer
The models currently used for Story text enhancer are “GPT 4o” and “Google MediaAPI”. Kahoot! uses the Google MediaAPI to detect language of a text and provide image classification. The Google MediaAPI is a component hosted by Kahoot that does not share data with Google or any other actor. The “GPT 4o”-model is used to produce proposals to adjust the inputted text according to the enhancement selected by the user. The information processed by Kahoot!’s sub processor(s) is the text entered by the user.

The model currently used for Search is “ada-Embedding-002”. Kahoot! uses the model to generate an embedding for all public kahoots and search strings entered by users. The embeddings are then used to find the most relevant search results for the user. Only kahoots designated as public by a user are processed by this feature. The information processed by Microsoft is the text contained in public kahoots and users’ search strings.

Brainstorm clustering of responses
The model currently used for Brainstorm clustering of responses is “paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2”. Kahoot! uses the model to identify user responses that are equal or similar and group them together for improved organization. The model is hosted by Kahoot! and no data is provided to other parties through this feature. The information processed is the text entered by participants during a brainstorm activity.

PDF to Story/kahoot
The models currently used for PDF to Story/kahoot are “gpt 4o”, “GPT 4o mini” and “gpt-35-turbo-16k”. PDFs provided by users are rendered in the user’s browser and never shared or stored by Kahoot! or its partners. Text in a PDF will be processed by Microsoft to propose content for a Kahoot! Story or to create suggested questions and answers for a kahoot. The text is not stored by Kahoot! or made available to other users.

Read Aloud
The Read Aloud feature of the Kahoot! Mobile app utilizes Azure Cognitive Services / Azure Natural Text To Speech to translate the title, questions and answers of a kahoot into synthesized speech of the language chosen by the user. The information shared with Microsoft consists of the text content of the kahoot and the desired language to read aloud. No user information is shared with Microsoft as part of this feature.

Image Generation
The model currently used for Image Generation is “DALL·E 3.” on Azure OpenAI. Kahoot! uses this model to generate images based on user-provided prompts to illustrate their kahoots. The information processed by Microsoft includes the text entered by the user as the image description.

Additional information

An organization can decide to limit access to the AI features for different groups of users, like admins, members and limited members. The default is that all user groups can get the benefit of AI-powered features to save time on creating content.

Should you have any questions regarding these features, please contact our support team here.